Monday, May 6, 2024
Home Data Breach 29 Million Indian Job Seekers data Leaked on Deep Web For Free

29 Million Indian Job Seekers data Leaked on Deep Web For Free

Security personnel has mentioned that over 29 million Indian job seekers’ data leaked on dark web forums for free and the breach included sensitive data of Indian Job seekers.

The Data Size is almost nearly 3 GB of memory that the hacker has stored. The firm also disclosed 2000 Aadhaar cards and some sensitive information of 1.8 Million people from Madhya Pradesh State (India) in the same forum leaked.

From the Government’s personal statement yet not come about the data theft associated with citizens of Madhya Pradesh but from the newspaper “The Hindu” found the leaked during the research of job seeker data theft. The authorities are investigating the sensitive matter and taking serious concerns about this.

3 GB data leaked from the Job Seekers website
3 GB data leaked from the Job Seekers website

From the investigation, It was found that the data breach was leaked by a CV aggregation service from the legal job portal websites. 

Data breach of Indian Job seekers
Data breach of Indian Job seekers

After a weekend it was also explained that the data might have been out by an unsafe elastic search instance and made unavailable. The cyble security Expert said that the breach includes all kinds of sensitive data like email address, home address, phone number, work experience, DOB, qualification, and many more.

Aadhar Data leaked

The Hackers also hunt all kinds of information so that they can efficiently conduct and follow the footprint of the user and do theft, scamming and corporate spying.

There are various screenshots that rotate in social media shows that most of the states which are affected are Delhi, West Bengal, Pune, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Mumbai and Chennai with other states.

According to Security researchers, the hacking was based on comprehensive discussion and distribution of mutual and relevant resources. All these hacking panels where users can obtain loads of numerous data leak, hacking and cracking tools, some cracked software with different kinds of hacking tutorials.

Every user in the hacking panel where the job seekers data leak also take part in the discussion and make friends as well.

The researcher has mentioned that some unknown sources of a data breach, through which the information of this data breach is not cleared yet that how this will happen?

Bipin Choudhary
Bipin has been a passionate blogger for several years. He is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, Security Blogger, Technical Writer. He is always eager to know everything about the latest technology development and advancement. Author @ Vednam



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