Saturday, May 11, 2024
Tags Cyber Attack

Tag: Cyber Attack

Bank of America Data Breach affects the clients

According to the source, Bank of America has mentioned in a statement that the data breach affected the clients who applied for the Paycheck...

Data Breach : 600+ data of NTT Telecom customer are stolen

One of the largest telecoms and IT services companies has revealed that the attacker may have stolen the data from the internal system and...

Middle East Government hits by Chapher APT with latest Cyber-Espionage Attack

First of you read the whole article let you know : What is Chafer APT? A few days back cyber experts found the traces in new...

Android bug : Strandhogg 2.0 Steals user Sensitive data

Researchers have found a major vulnerability in every version of Android that mainly pretends to be the legitimate app to steal the user's personal...

8 billion Thai internet records leaked !

From Source, It started on 7 May and it took too long time May 22 to secure the database. Cyber experts discovered an exposed...

Data Breach : Folrida’s “Unemployment website” Suffers breach

On Thursday, Florida’s embattled unemployment claims system suffered a data breach. According to the Department of Economic Opportunity(DEO), the reemployment assistance claims website had...

North Korean Hackers Used 3 New Malware : US

According to News, on the 3rd anniversary of the infamous global WannaCry ransomware outbreak for which a country (North Korea) Blamed by U.S government...

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7 Best Free Ethical Hacking Courses Online

  Ethical hacking is the practice of identifying vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks, using the same techniques and tools as malicious hackers. Ethical hackers,...

How does AuKill malware work?

AuKill Malware Actively Used to Disable EDR in Ongoing Attacks The cybersecurity landscape is constantly evolving, and attackers are always finding new ways to breach...

What is Black box hacking ? How Does it works ?

  Black box hacking refers to the process of testing a system, network or application for vulnerabilities without having any prior knowledge of its internal...

What is Penetration testing ? How does it works ?

  Penetration testing, or PenTesting for short, is a critical part of any comprehensive cybersecurity program. It involves testing the security of computer systems, networks,...