hacking attack Archives | Vednam https://vednam.com/tag/hacking-attack/ Latest News on Cyber Security,Hacking and Tech Wed, 24 Jun 2020 14:31:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://vednam.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/cropped-LOGO-PNG-02-1-32x32.png hacking attack Archives | Vednam https://vednam.com/tag/hacking-attack/ 32 32 High Hacking Risks for home worker during lock down https://vednam.com/high-hacking-risks-for-home-worker-during-lock-down/ https://vednam.com/high-hacking-risks-for-home-worker-during-lock-down/#respond Sun, 24 May 2020 15:08:55 +0000 https://vednam.com/?p=458   Cyber attackers open war of cybercrime to exploit British people working from home, as the COVID-19 lockdown attackers force people to often attack unfamiliar computer systems. The Increment of 12% attacks by the cyber threat they basically used malicious email traffic before the UK’s lockdown began in March Period to more than 60% Six […]

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Cyber attackers open war of cybercrime to exploit British people working from home, as the COVID-19 lockdown attackers force people to often attack unfamiliar computer systems.

The Increment of 12% attacks by the cyber threat they basically used malicious email traffic before the UK’s lockdown began in March Period to more than 60% Six weeks Later, according to the data of cybersecurity company Darktrace which contacted Guardian.

The Attackers have increased in sophistication, especially targeting COVID-19 related issues than the more attempts for financial fraud and extortion. 

In the Mid of May, Darktrace detected “ a large malicious email campaign” against the business of the UK that basically mentioned employees they could choose to be dismissed if they signed up to such a specific website.

After that the Cyber attackers targeted the tools used by remote workers which include fake requests to reset virtual private network(VPN) accounts. Zoom Videos conferencing accounts that included fake sign-in pages or accepting an incoming “chat” request from the office member.

The attackers increase in spoofing attacks, with emails purporting to be from a colleague. Darktrace mentioned booth the fifth emails would normally use some form of spoofing, but this rate has reached up to 60% as cyber attackers exploit the increased separation of workforces.

One spoofing attack featured as chief executive has emailed you asking for the donation in a health charity. Another they use mimics the IT support department and asking workers to download the software.

The UK’s Cyber cell has released a notice if you got such malicious emails then please report and try to block that website from your network or systems.

The EU’s foreign affairs wing already warned of the cyber -attacks and disinformation campaign related to pandemic. If you got this type of email related then please ensure the mail is not malicious. The World Health Organization(WHo) and US National Institute have been targeted more often for these activities.

According to Darktrace, these patterns are being used in every corner of the world because of lockdown, and people are using the method of work from home that may create attackers to work on that threat attack. Italy was targeted before the UK and the US.


“Cyber Attackers may use the same methods on different companies and look for the backdoor in the entire network and every time the attacker finds one door. It can be used and implemented very quickly” as the director of Darktrace mentioned in his comment.


As reported, the warning came from the British airline company “Easyjet” was forced to reveal that personal data of customers has been leaked it was around 9 million people.

From News the main motive of the Easyjet attack was not financial fraud it was something else and till data no more information came from them.


Security expert Says “ from January high volumes of attacks and people believed it all attacks actors are from china. They Are targeting hotels and travel companies in what attackers found more data and personal information from these companies”

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How DDoS attack effect organization in 2020 ? https://vednam.com/how-ddos-attack-effect/ https://vednam.com/how-ddos-attack-effect/#comments Sat, 23 May 2020 13:14:26 +0000 https://vednam.com/?p=424 Distributed Denial of service(DDoS) DDoS attacks not always involved in a data breach and credential theft. When you talk along with the victim’s perspective DDoS attacks can cause almost irreparable damages. The DDoS attack is similar to the other cyber attacks but it caused devastating effects to targets. From attacking individuals as well as targeting […]

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Distributed Denial of service(DDoS)

DDoS attacks not always involved in a data breach and credential theft. When you talk along with the victim’s perspective DDoS attacks can cause almost irreparable damages. The DDoS attack is similar to the other cyber attacks but it caused devastating effects to targets. From attacking individuals as well as targeting large organizations’ infrastructure. cybercriminals have leveraged DDoS attacks in their own ways.

High Security will not do anything if DDoS attacks are evolving with more malicious and larger radius targets.

How DDoS Attacks Evolve?

Every time the botnets are used for conducting DDoS attacks on various web apps, attackers simply scan your vulnerable devices and take over them secretly. Attackers use infected devices(Like smartphones and PCs) to create barriers between malicious traffic and victim machines.

Let’s know the list of some recent trends depicting DDoS Evolution.

IoT has been targeted by Botnets

These days people are focusing on IoTs and they forget to understand that DDoS attackers target their IoT Devices with gadgets connected to the internet other than PCs and mobile phones. Attackers may target Tubelights, bulb, fridge, microwave anything that can be operated and maintained by IoTs; they get access to all devices without the knowledge of the owner and turn all devices into infected bots to create a botnet. 

The most used tool in the DDoS attack is the “Torii” botnet which has wage persistence with a greater range of IoT devices.

Power of Denial-of-Service Attacks

The Evolution of DDoS attack is the target impact These types of attacks have emerged to become advanced persistent Denial-of-service(APDoS). The DDoS protection tool sometimes fails against APDoS attacks.

Through APDoS attacks, the attackers target the core IT applications of the target organizations, such as databases and servers. With such attacks, hackers can also come to attack the ISPs and cloud services.

What happens if it is integrated with Machine Learning and AI?

If you put aside the IoTs, attackers are also looking for ways to do DDoS attacks including machine learning and artificial intelligence. If this happens means AI and ML are included with DDoS attacks then it may be difficult to handle DDoS attacks.

Methods to Prevent DDoS attack 

After all achievements and evolution, If an organization wants to Stop DDoS attack they need to take some precautions that may be helpful.

  • Implementing IT security measures from the basic Stage.
  • The Role of Web Application Firewall (WAF) is undeniable. A WAF helps to block irrelevant requests to avoid DDos Attacks.
  • Using CDN that supports DDoS protections just as Cloudflare.
  • Keep eyes on the new information related to the DDoS attack that can help you to prepare before attacks.
  • The organization may hire the fully managed security offering included in the cloud WAF product AppTrana from the interface. A group of Experts helps to manage the structure and prepare a protection barrier before Attacks.

Know about the North Korea attacks

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