Wednesday, May 8, 2024
Home Hacking Tools The Harvester 2.2a-Tool for data gathering

The Harvester 2.2a-Tool for data gathering

The Harvester is a tool that is basically used to gather, open ports, emails, subdomains, hosts, employee names, and banners from different public sources like search engines, PGP key servers, and SHODAN computer databases.

This tool is helpful in penetration testing in the early stages. The tools used to understand the customer footprint on the internet. It also helps organizations to now pre attacker plans what exactly they found from the server.

The Harvester 2.2a-Tool for data gathering
The Harvester 2.2a-Tool for data gathering

The feature of the Tools :

  • Search all sources
  • Verify the virtual host
  • File saved in form of HTML and XML
  • Graphic and stats options
  • New Sources
  • Active enumeration(DNS enumeration,Reverse lookups,TLD expansion)
  • New sources
  • Check the open ports and banner with the integration of the SHODAN computer database.

Passive work :

  • Linkedin: specific search for LinkedIn user
  • Google Search Engine-
  • Google-specific profiles and search engines.
  •  Bing: Microsoft search engine –
  • PGP key server
  • Shodan- this app will search for ports and banner of discovered hosts(

Active discovery:

  • DNS brute force: This option helps to run a directory brute force action.
  • DNS reverse lookup: The Reverse lookup is found and discovered in order to find hostnames.
  • DNS TDL expansion: TLD dictionary brute force.

For more information visit: Google Code – The harvester

Download harvester from Source link

Bipin Choudhary
Bipin has been a passionate blogger for several years. He is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, Security Blogger, Technical Writer. He is always eager to know everything about the latest technology development and advancement. Author @ Vednam



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