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Home Data Breach Zee5 Hacked-150GB Data leaked from Video On demand Platform

Zee5 Hacked-150GB Data leaked from Video On demand Platform

Hackers are on their work and this time they hit an Indian Video On-demand platform ZEE5. ZEE5 data hacked and threatened to sell the data on the dark web markets.

The hacker mentioned the name “john wick” who had hands in breaching the ZEE5 systems and downloaded 150GB of live data and also stole the source code of the Website.

Mainstream Story

According to the report which is circulated on the internet”the hacker who breached the data has a connection from the Korean hacking group which executed this plan successfully and sold all the data on the hackers’ forums”.

Zee5 Hacked-150GB Data leaked from Video On demand Platform
Source: News


Hackers group shared some of the proof that they have access to the ZEE5’s Private code which are confirmed by the monitoring team and it was said that the access proof is correct the hack happened between the end of February or March.

Few Days after the hackers shared the other sample which is a very serious concern because this sample has the live code secret keys and credentials of the unsecured AWS.

The last breach was also detected on the 24th April 2020 and clearly indicated that the hacker has access to recently subscribed users and the database which contains user details among every state of India.

The database breach which we are talking about has the records of the “Payment Platform”.This is really becoming a big deal for the company that the user data with payment details that mainly harms the users who are connected with the ZEE5.

According to Ralph Wagner “We don’t manage the Zee5 Database and nor the Mysql database which are mentioned. I will investigate the whole breach and then we will share the proper details’

The leaked data includes which such information like :

Zee5 Hacked-150GB Data leaked from Video On demand Platform
Source: News

  1. Email Address
  2. Mobile Numbers
  3. Recent transaction 
  4. Passwords

An Email sent to the different news agency which mentions “will expose your database & code in public for the open sale soon”

Zee5 Hacked-150GB Data leaked from Video On demand Platform
Source: News

The Email address si sends from a secure and encrypted email service which cannot be able to trace the email. The mail send from the hacker through “

This email server is used in different campaigns like Dharma ransomware and the same email address which is seen used by the Korean hacker.

This is not the first time this hacking happens with the ZEE5. This all breach happens and the company says or takes any action on the breach.

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Bipin Choudhary
Bipin has been a passionate blogger for several years. He is a Cyber Security Enthusiast, Security Blogger, Technical Writer. He is always eager to know everything about the latest technology development and advancement. Author @ Vednam



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