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What is Malware ? What are the Types ?

What is Malware
What is Malware

When we talk about malware, it directly points to the number of malicious software variants, ransomware, malware, and spyware. It typically consists of code developed by attackers or you say cyberspy people who cause extensive damage to data and systems or to get access to your systems without any authentication on the network.

Malware is transferred or delivered in the form of a link or file over email and requires the user to click on the link to open or execute it.
Malware has actually been a threat to a specific user or organization It started in the early 1970s when the creeper virus came into the market.

According to the Technology company Intel, the world has been under attack from thousands of different and functioning its variants, all it causes the most disruption and damage as possible.

Let’s Talk Malware Do :

It Delivers payload in different ways It depends on the attackers who want to steal sensitive data and ask for Ransom to give it back. The Cyber attackers know what to steal if the malware is working on your system and its effects through the network.

Malware Types:

VIRUS: The most common word used or all malware. It all works as a biological Virus where the virus needs to get intact with your system and spread in between the code to get all access to your systems. It corrupts your files and affects the core functionality of systems and also locks the user computers. The virus always carries executable files.

WORMS: Worms work the way it gets named by the attackers. When a system in your network gets infected by Worm, then it uses your network to infect the other machines in order to continue the spread of infections. The process of spreading is faster from others if the entire machines are on the same network.

SPYWARE: Spyware name says it all that this member of malware is meant to spy on your machines and it hides the background of your system and collects all your activities performed on your machine. This spyware collects your credit card details, password, and other sensitive data.

TROJANS: You heard the story of Greek Soldiers hiding in a giant horse and attacking enemies. It uses the same method with machines. It hides with legitimate software. It will attack the system security by creating a backdoor that gives other malware variants easy access.

RANSOMWARE: Another name is called scareware, this scares people a lot in the year 2017. This Malware locks your system and start time and asks to pay Ransom in the form of bitcoin. It happens with lots of big organizations -the result was worse and expensive.



How Does Malware Spread in Your Machines? 

Every malware doesn’t work the same and they all have their own unique way of causing havoc and relying on user action. Some attackers use Emails and links to transfer it and execute them in your machine. Even these days mobile phones are vulnerable to attack. The organization Mainly takes all effective methods to lay down the attack of malware.

How Do You Protect your machines From Malware attacks?

There are two methods you can get aware of the malware : 
First, is often the easiest way to implement the malware protection tools to manage the attacks on your machines. The other way is to stop visiting the website which is having no secured link. Check email and other links you got from mail and other stuff. Verify every step you take to not cause root problems related to it.

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